Publication Design: SOURDOUGH

magazone on a white background surrounded by plants. The magazine reads "SOURDOUGH" and features two illustrated chickens surrounded in vegetable below it.

“SOURDOUGH” is a fictional lifestyle magazine created for my Visual Communication III on publication design. “SOURDOUGH” focuses on farming, homesteading, non-traditional living solutions, living sustainably, Proposed content included recipes, guides, opinion pieces, interviews, creative spotlights, and community write-in sections. For the assignment, we were tasked with taking a found article relating to our topic and formatting it with a feature page, continuation page, table of contents, and front and back covers. All imagery besides the mock-ups were drawn or created myself using both digital and traditional means. This project featured multiple stages of concept and imagery development and refinements before reaching a final deliverable, which was handmade utilizing techniques learned in a adjacent class, production.
